Friday, December 5, 2008

Anya's goals articulation

Here's the goals outline I created for myself last year. It has a few added elements that, if you're interested in adding, you might want to look into. The questions following each smaller goal was to help me actually plan out the details of the design, which you won't need to do until later. Don't stress yourself out doing it this month. Also included is a whole-site values statement. Don't worry about that this month either.
Also check out Frances's goal statement below.

  1. Anya's Goals •
  2. Values Statement: We grow as much food for coop as possible on site in a self-sustaining system that provies for people (food for house and rent for grower) and other life (soil, plants, animals, etc.).
    1. I'm growing as much food for coop as possible on site
      1. Land is under culitvation around house producing abundance of food for coop
        1. What food?
        2. How much of each food?
        3. Which land?
        4. How much land?
      2. Storage food that last through spring
        1. Which foods?
        2. Which varieties?
        3. How much of each?
      3. Chickens provide eggs we eat
        1. How many eggs do we eat?
        2. How many chickens do we need?
        3. What do they eat?
        4. Where do they live?
        5. How are they protected from predators?
        6. What else do they need?
    2. It is a self-sustaining system
      1. Most of additives to garden/soil from surrounding area
        1. What is needed?
        2. Where can we get them?
          1. Closest?
          2. Cheapest?
      2. Composting toilet exists, smells good, works
        1. Where located?
        2. How does it work?
        3. What does it require?
      3. I am practicing seed-saving on site
        1. Which crops?
        2. How?
        3. What tools do I need?
        4. All open-pollinated plants in system
          1. Fencing keeps out deer/rodents, trellising, beauty
            1. What kind of fence is used for this?
              1. Low cost
              2. Low maintenance
              3. Easy to build
            2. Where is it?
      4. All water for garden/animals stored on site, not in well
        1. How much water do I need?
        2. Where are systems located?
        3. Building, maintenance, use?
      5. Replenishing the soil
        1. Compost
        2. Mulch
        3. Soil-fixing plants
        4. No-till gardening
      6. Preventing erosion
        1. Where is erosion a problem?
        2. What am I planting there to help?
      7. Greenhouse
    3. The system provides income for me and part of my rent
      1. I am growing surplus that covers costs of growing season
        1. Cost of garden itself
        2. Cost of living
          1. How much surplus?
          2. Surplus of what?
          3. Who am I selling to? For how much?
        3. Garden serves as workshop space for learning, and income
          1. How do I arrange garden to accomodate learning?
          2. how do I make it easy to maintain garden so that it's presentation-worthy?
        4. Building and upkeep is inexpensive
    4. Strengthens community and provides for people
      1. Garden strengthens community of coop and adds to beauty and sustainability
        1. Trellis fruits and flowers provides privacy in courtyard
          1. Which plants?
          2. How are they trellised?
        2. Loved outdoor cats have home and keep rodents away
          1. Where do they live?
          2. How to keep them away from chickens?
          3. Is this ok with Common Fire?
          4. What do they eat?
        3. Outdoor social & private areas for people.
          1. Where?
          2. What?
            1. Fire ring?
            2. Rendevous/outdoor sleep space
        4. Garden is beautiful and simple

Hope you're all doing well and getting excited for next week's course!


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