Monday, December 1, 2008

Course Assignments for December

Please have the following done for December, so you can be up-to-speed with your design projects.

Design Project:

Choose a site

Goals Articulation:
- 3 - 5 goals, 1-2 pages in outline form
- present tense, active voice (remember, using the verb "to be" in any form usually means you'r'e in passive voice)

Meet with your Action Learning Guild at least once (in person or via phone conference)!
Some ideas of what to discuss:
- How you're feeling about the course
- your site
- your list of goals
- problems with goals/design and questions about them
- What your goals are for December's class
- How your ALG can support you through the course, or in December specifically
- What you're excited about learning through the design process
- What your personal goals are for your design
- etc. etc. etc. feel free to check in, get personal, set ground rules, whatever makes you comfortable and will enhance your experience of the PDC!

Optional Readings:

(check your email for the attachments)

Donella Meadows, "Places to Intervene in a System"
David Holmgren, "The Essence of Permaculture"
Andrew C. Haden Emergy Analysis of Food Production at S&S Homestead Farm

Good luck! I can't wait to reconnect in December and see what you've done!

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