Friday, January 16, 2009

Homework fun

Here are the homework assignments for February. Please focus in on the research project, but don't neglect the design project.

- Complete Research project!
1-2 page summary of research, including their name, class name, title, text, max 2 images/diagrams, and resources/references for more info. Papers must be emailed to both Anya and Ethan by the next class.

- Prepare Research Presentations!
Minimum 2x3 ft poster graphically communicating their work. Other, more creative presentations encouraged -- but folks will be moving around and half the room will be presenting at a time, so don't do something that needs the whole space or would require everyone else to be quiet.

This is one clear place where we learn from each other!

- Do site Analysis & Assessment for 2-3 more elements of scale of permanence - your choosing. remember to refer to useful topic checklist in binders!

- Meet with ALG once.

Any questions, comments, concerns please email me or Ethan.

Can't wait to see you soon!


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